Calls a single method on the GestureDetector in the screen.

No further gesture events will be triggered for the current touch, if any.
The tap square will not longer be used for the current touch.
:is-long-pressed^float duration
:set-long-press-seconds^float long-press-seconds
:set-max-fling-delay^long max-fling-delay
:set-tap-count-interval^float tap-count-interval
:set-tap-square-size^float half-tap-square-size
:touch-down^int x, ^int y, ^int pointer, ^int button
:touch-down^float x, ^float y, ^int pointer, ^int button
:touch-dragged^int x, ^int y, ^int pointer
:touch-dragged^float x, ^float y, ^int pointer
:touch-up^int x, ^int y, ^int pointer, ^int button
:touch-up^float x, ^float y, ^int pointer, ^int button
(defmacro gesture-detector!
  [screen k & options]
  `(let [listeners# (u/get-obj ~screen :input-listeners)
         ^GestureDetector object# (u/get-obj listeners# :gesture-detector)]
     (u/call! object# ~k ~@options)))