Calls a single method on the ClickListener in the screen.

If a touch down is being monitored, the drag and touch up events are ignored until the next touch up.
:clicked^InputEvent event, ^float x, ^float y
:enter^InputEvent event, ^float x, ^float y, ^int pointer, ^Actor from-actor
:exit^InputEvent event, ^float x, ^float y, ^int pointer, ^Actor to-actor
The button that initially pressed this button or -1 if the button is not pressed.
The pointer that initially pressed this button or -1 if the button is not pressed.
Returns the number of taps within the tap count interval for the most recent click event.
:in-tap-square^float x, ^float y
Returns true if a touch is within the tap square.
The tap square will not longer be used for the current touch.
:is-over^Actor actor, ^float x, ^float y
Returns true if the specified position is over the specified actor or within the tap square.
Returns true if the mouse or touch is over the actor or pressed and within the tap square.
Returns true if a touch is over the actor or within the tap square.
Returns true if a touch is over the actor or within the tap square or has been very recently. This allows the UI to show a press and release that was so fast it occurred within a single frame.
:set-button^int button
Sets the button to listen for, all other buttons are ignored. Default is {@link Buttons#LEFT}. Use -1 for any button.
:set-tap-count-interval^float tap-count-interval
:set-tap-square-size^float half-tap-square-size
:touch-down^InputEvent event, ^float x, ^float y, ^int pointer, ^int button
:touch-dragged^InputEvent event, ^float x, ^float y, ^int pointer
:touch-up^InputEvent event, ^float x, ^float y, ^int pointer, ^int button
(defmacro click-listener!
  [screen k & options]
  `(let [listeners# (u/get-obj ~screen :ui-listeners)
         ^ClickListener object# (u/get-obj listeners# :click-listener)]
     (u/call! object# ~k ~@options)))