(defexamples k & examples)

Defines multiple example code blocks for a symbol or an arbitrary piece of Clojure data. If `k` is not a namespace-qualified symbol or keyword, it will be associated with the current namespace.


Define multiple examples of the `conj` function
(defexamples clojure.core/conj ["Add a name to a vector" (conj ["Alice" "Bob"] "Charlie")] ["Add a number to a list" (conj '(2 3) 1)] [{:doc "Add a key-val pair to a hash map", :ret (fn [m] (= m {:name "Alice", :age 30}))} (conj {:name "Alice"} [:age 30])])


(clojure.spec.alpha/fspec :args :dynadoc.example/examples :ret clojure.core/any? :fn nil)


(defmacro defexamples "Defines multiple example code blocks for a symbol or an arbitrary piece of Clojure data. If `k` is not a namespace-qualified symbol or keyword, it will be associated with the current namespace." [k & examples] (apply defexamples* k examples))