(get-lib-version lib-name callback)

Queries Clojars for the version of the given library, providing it in a callback. If it can't find it, the callback receives an error object.


(get-lib-version "dynadoc" callback)


(defn get-lib-version "Queries Clojars for the version of the given library, providing it in a\n callback. If it can't find it, the callback receives an error object." [lib-name callback] (.send XhrIo (str "https://clojars.org/api/artifacts/" lib-name) (fn [e] (callback (or (when (.isSuccess (.-target e)) (-> e .-target .getResponseText js/JSON.parse (gobj/get "latest_release"))) (js/Error. (str "Can't find version for: " lib-name))))) "GET"))