
(iglu->glsl shader)

(iglu->glsl shader-type shader)

Converts an iglu map into a GLSL string. The second arity is only for backwards compatibility and should not be used.


A simple vertex shader.
(iglu->glsl '{:version "300 es", :uniforms {u_matrix mat4}, :inputs {a_position vec4, a_color vec4}, :outputs {v_color vec4}, :signatures {main ([] void)}, :functions {main ([] (= gl_Position (* a_position u_matrix)) (= v_color a_color))}})
A simple fragment shader.
(iglu->glsl '{:version "300 es", :precision "mediump float", :inputs {v_color vec4}, :outputs {outColor vec4}, :signatures {main ([] void)}, :functions {main ([] (= outColor v_color))}})
A vertex shader with a user-defined function.
(iglu->glsl '{:version "300 es", :uniforms {u_matrix mat4}, :inputs {a_position vec4, a_color vec4}, :outputs {v_color vec4}, :signatures {multiply ([mat4 vec4] vec4), main ([] void)}, :functions {multiply ([x y] (* x y)), main ([] (= gl_Position (multiply u_matrix a_position)) (= v_color a_color))}})
Strings are passed through without modification. This is generally what you want for GLSL keywords and floating point numbers.
(iglu->glsl '{:version "300 es", :precision "mediump float", :uniforms {u_image sampler2D}, :inputs {v_texCoord vec2}, :outputs {outColor vec4}, :signatures {main ([] void)}, :functions {main ([] (= outColor (texture u_image v_texCoord)) ("if" (== (.rgb outColor) (vec3 "0.0" "0.0" "0.0")) "discard") ("else" (= outColor (vec4 "0.0" "0.0" "0.0" "1.0"))))}})
A vertex shader that loops over a uniform array.
(iglu->glsl '{:version "300 es", :uniforms {u_matrix mat3, u_char_counts [int 1000]}, :inputs {a_position vec2, a_color vec4}, :outputs {v_color vec4}, :signatures {main ([] void)}, :functions {main ([] (=int total_char_count 0) (=int current_line 0) ("for (int i=0; i<1000; ++i)" (+= total_char_count [u_char_counts i]) ("if" (> total_char_count gl_InstanceID) "break") ("else" (+= current_line 1))) (=mat3 matrix u_matrix) (*= [matrix 2 1] current_line) (= gl_Position (vec4 (.xy (* matrix (vec3 a_position 1))) 0 1)) (= v_color a_color))}})
As an escape hatch, you may optionally write your functions in GLSL.
(iglu->glsl '{:version "300 es", :inputs {a_position vec2}, :outputs {v_color vec4}, :functions "\nvoid main()\n{\n gl_Position = vec4(a_position.x, a_position.y, 0.0, 1.0);\n v_color = gl_Position * 0.5 + 0.5;\n}"})