(->rule rule-name rule)

(->rule [rule-name parsed-rule])

Returns a new rule. In most cases, you should use the `ruleset` macro to define rules, but if you want to define rules dynamically, you can use this function instead. See the README section "Defining rules dynamically". The one-argument arity is only meant for internal use.


(defn ->rule "Returns a new rule. In most cases, you should use the `ruleset` macro to define rules,\n but if you want to define rules dynamically, you can use this function instead.\n See the README section \"Defining rules dynamically\".\n The one-argument arity is only meant for internal use." ([rule-name rule] (when (vector? rule) (throw (ex-info "The syntax for dynamic rules changed! It now should be a map, and the fns take an extra `session` arg. See the README for more." {}))) (let [parsed-rule (parse :odoyle.rules/dynamic-rule rule) parsed-rule (cond-> {:what-block {:body (:what parsed-rule)}} (:when parsed-rule) (assoc-in [:when-block :body] (:when parsed-rule)) (:then parsed-rule) (assoc-in [:then-block :body] (:then parsed-rule)) (:then-finally parsed-rule) (assoc-in [:then-finally-block :body] (:then-finally parsed-rule))) {:keys [rule-name conditions when-body then-body then-finally-body]} (->rule [rule-name parsed-rule])] (->Rule rule-name (mapv map->Condition conditions) nil when-body then-body then-finally-body))) ([[rule-name parsed-rule]] (let [{:keys [what-block when-block then-block then-finally-block]} parsed-rule conditions (mapv ->condition (:body what-block)) when-body (:body when-block) then-body (:body then-block) then-finally-body (:body then-finally-block) syms (->> conditions (mapcat :bindings) (map :sym) (map last) (filter simple-symbol?) set vec)] {:rule-name rule-name, :fn-name (-> (str (namespace rule-name) "-" (name rule-name)) (str/replace "." "-") symbol), :conditions conditions, :arg {:keys syms, :as 'match}, :when-body (cond (fn? when-body) when-body (> (count when-body) 1) (cons 'and when-body) :else (first when-body)), :then-body then-body, :then-finally-body then-finally-body})))