(insert session [id attr value])

(insert session id attr->value)

(insert session id attr value)

Inserts a fact into the session. Can optionally insert multiple facts with the same id. Note: if the given fact doesn't match at least one rule, it will be discarded.


Insert facts separately
(-> session (insert 1 :todo/text "Wash the car") (insert 1 :todo/done false) (insert 2 :todo/text "Buy groceries") (insert 2 :todo/done false) query-all)
Insert facts batched by id
(-> session (insert 1 {:todo/text "Wash the car", :todo/done false}) (insert 2 {:todo/text "Buy groceries", :todo/done false}) query-all)


(defn insert "Inserts a fact into the session. Can optionally insert multiple facts with the same id.\n \n Note: if the given fact doesn't match at least one rule, it will be discarded." ([session [id attr value]] (insert session id attr value)) ([session id attr->value] (reduce-kv (fn [session attr value] (insert session id attr value)) session attr->value)) ([session id attr value] (->> (get-alpha-nodes-for-fact session (:alpha-node session) id attr value true) (upsert-fact session id attr value))))