(wrap-rule rule {what-fn :what, when-fn :when, then-fn :then, then-finally-fn :then-finally})

Wraps the functions of a rule so they can be conveniently intercepted for debugging or other purposes. See the README section "Debugging".


(defn wrap-rule "Wraps the functions of a rule so they can be conveniently intercepted\n for debugging or other purposes.\n See the README section \"Debugging\"." [rule {what-fn :what, when-fn :when, then-fn :then, then-finally-fn :then-finally}] (cond-> (assoc rule :what-fn what-fn) (and (:when-fn rule) when-fn) (update :when-fn (fn wrap-when [f] (fn [session match] (when-fn f session match)))) (and (:then-fn rule) then-fn) (update :then-fn (fn wrap-then [f] (fn [session match] (then-fn f session match)))) (and (:then-finally-fn rule) then-finally-fn) (update :then-finally-fn (fn wrap-then-finally [f] (fn [session] (then-finally-fn f session))))))