(tile-id->map id)


Tile IDs are stored in data tags with some of the highest bits used to store information about the flipped state of the tile. You'll need to run the ID through this function to get those flipped states, along with the actual usable tile ID. For more info, see: https://doc.mapeditor.org/en/stable/reference/tmx-map-format/#tile-flipping
(tile-id->map 3221225473)


(defn tile-id->map [id] (let [horiz? (bit-test id horiz-bit) vert? (bit-test id vert-bit) diag? (bit-test id diag-bit) id (reduce bit-clear id [horiz-bit vert-bit diag-bit unknown-bit])] {:horizontal? horiz?, :vertical? vert?, :diagonal? diag?, :id id}))