(inv-mat-fn size)

Produces optimized code for a function that inverts matrices of the given size. The resulting code has no loops, branches, or recursive calls. The inverse is computed using Cramer's rule and the required determinants are computed using recursive cofactor expansion along the first column. All intermediate determinants are bound to local variables since many of them are used multiple times.


(defmacro inv-mat-fn "Produces optimized code for a function that inverts matrices of the given size. The resulting code has no loops, branches, or recursive calls. The inverse is computed using Cramer's rule and the required determinants are computed using recursive cofactor expansion along the first column. All intermediate determinants are bound to local variables since many of them are used multiple times." [size] (let [sub-det-syms (memoize (fn [rows cols] (with-meta (gensym) ;; we only tag the matrix entries (when-not (next rows) {:tag 'double})))) m (vec (for [i (range size) j (range size)] (sub-det-syms `(~i) `(~j))))] `(fn ~[m] (let ~(mat-inv-fn-binds size sub-det-syms) ~(vec (for [i (range size) j (range size)] (let [detA (sub-det-syms (range size) (range size)) detA_ij (sub-det-syms (remove #(= j %) (range size)) (remove #(= i %) (range size)))] (if (even? (+ i j)) `(/ ~detA_ij ~detA) `(- (/ ~detA_ij ~detA))))))))))