

Methods in this protocol


Methods in this protocol


Methods in this protocol


Methods in this protocol


Methods in this protocol


Methods in this protocol


Methods in this protocol


Methods in this protocol


Methods in this protocol

(camera entity camera)

Part of the ICamera protocol

This function is deprecated -- use `invert` instead!

(color entity rgba)

Part of the IColor protocol

Applies a color to the entity.

(crop entity x y width height)

Part of the ICrop protocol

Crops the visible area of the entity.

(invert entity camera)

Part of the IInvert protocol

Applies a camera to the entity after creating an inverse matrix of it.

(look-at camera target up)

Part of the ILookAt protocol

Applies a look at matrix to the camera.

(rotate entity angle)

(rotate entity angle axis)

Part of the IRotate protocol

Applies a rotation matrix to the entity or camera.

(scale entity x y)

(scale entity x y z)

Part of the IScale protocol

Applies a scaling matrix to the entity or camera.

(transform content)

(transform [content-type content-val] entities transforms)

Work in progress! Subject to change/break in future releases.

(transform-entity entity transforms)

Work in progress! Subject to change/break in future releases.

(translate entity x y)

(translate entity x y z)

Part of the ITranslate protocol

Applies a translation matrix to the entity or camera.