(->image-entity game data width height)

Returns an image entity with a vector of image `data`, along with a `width` and `height` in pixels.


(defn ->image-entity "Returns an image entity with a vector of image `data`,\n along with a `width` and `height` in pixels." [game data width height] (->> {:vertex image-vertex-shader, :fragment image-fragment-shader, :attributes {'a_position {:data primitives/rect, :type (gl game FLOAT), :size 2}}, :uniforms {'u_image {:data data, :opts {:mip-level 0, :internal-fmt (gl game RGBA), :width width, :height height, :border 0, :src-fmt (gl game RGBA), :src-type (gl game UNSIGNED_BYTE)}, :params {(gl game TEXTURE_WRAP_S) (gl game CLAMP_TO_EDGE), (gl game TEXTURE_WRAP_T) (gl game CLAMP_TO_EDGE), (gl game TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER) (gl game NEAREST), (gl game TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER) (gl game NEAREST)}}, 'u_texture_matrix (m/identity-matrix 3)}, :width width, :height height} map->ImageEntity))