(->entity game data)

(->entity game data color-data)

Returns a 3D entity with a vector of attribute `data` and optionally a vector of `color-data`.


(defn ->entity "Returns a 3D entity with a vector of attribute `data` and optionally a vector of `color-data`." ([game data] (->> {:vertex three-d-uniform-colors-vertex-shader, :fragment three-d-uniform-colors-fragment-shader, :attributes {'a_position {:data data, :type (gl game FLOAT), :size 3}}} map->ThreeDEntity)) ([game data color-data] (->> {:vertex three-d-attribute-colors-vertex-shader, :fragment three-d-attribute-colors-fragment-shader, :attributes {'a_position {:data data, :type (gl game FLOAT), :size 3}, 'a_color {:data color-data, :type (gl game FLOAT), :size 3}}} map->ThreeDEntity)))