(->text-entity game {{:keys [baked-chars baseline font-height first-char bitmap-width bitmap-height]} :baked-font, :as font-entity} text)

(->text-entity game baked-font image-entity text)

Returns an entity with the given text rendered to it. The second arity is for backwards compatibility and should not be used.


(play-cljc.gl.text/->text-entity game font-entity "Hello, world!")


(defn ->text-entity "Returns an entity with the given text rendered to it. The second arity is for backwards\n compatibility and should not be used." ([game {{:keys [baked-chars baseline font-height first-char bitmap-width bitmap-height]} :baked-font, :as font-entity} text] (when-not (:program font-entity) (throw (ex-info "Only compiled font entities can be passed to ->text-entity" {}))) (loop [text (seq text) total (float 0) inner-entities []] (if-let [ch (first text)] (let [{:keys [x y w h xoff yoff xadv]} (nth baked-chars (- #?(:clj (int ch) :cljs (.charCodeAt ch 0)) first-char))] (recur (rest text) (+ total (float xadv)) (conj inner-entities (-> font-entity (t/project bitmap-width bitmap-height) (t/crop x y w h) (t/translate (+ xoff total) (- font-height baseline yoff)) (t/scale w h) (update-in [:uniforms 'u_matrix] (fn* [p1__44990#] (m/multiply-matrices 3 flip-y-matrix p1__44990#))))))) (-> (e/->image-entity game nil total font-height) (assoc :width total :height font-height :render-to-texture {'u_image (mapv (fn* [p1__44991#] (assoc p1__44991# :viewport {:x 0, :y (- font-height bitmap-height), :width bitmap-width, :height bitmap-height})) inner-entities)}))))) ([game baked-font image-entity text] (->text-entity game (assoc image-entity :baked-font baked-font) text)))